
Non-reusable 4' long nylon strap with flat loops on both ends or flat loop on one end and D-ring on the other end. The strap is built into the structure and cut loose when all arrest/restraint is no longer needed.

Phase of Construction
Roof sheathing, truss installation, floor joist installation, window installation, siding
Manufacturer’s Device Page
The smaller loop is choked through the labelled loop around the top plates of the wall or truss. A minimum 3” nail is hammered through the stitched area to ensure the anchor is firmly in place. Installation varies dependent upon model and surface. Structure must be able to support forces from fall. Warning: Users must strictly adhere to the manufacturer’s inspection, installation, maintenance and use directions; and must follow local, state and federal safety regulations. Structural member must be able to support 5000# force. Failure to do so could result in serious injury or death.
Instruction Manual
Video 1, Video 2



Safe-T-Strap Residential Choker

Safe-T-Strap Residential Choker

Safe-T-Strap Residential Choker

Safe-T-Strap Residential Choker

Safe-T-Strap Residential Choker

Safe-T-Strap Residential Choker