This website was developed by faculty members at Washington University in St. Louis (“WU”) and supported by CPWR through NIOSH cooperative agreememt OH009762. The purpose of this website is to catalogue fall prevention devices utilized in residential construction. It is an educational site and is intended for informational purposes only. WU has no commercial or financial relationship with the manufacturers of any of the identified products and does not endorse the use of any of these specific devices. Website users should select devices based upon their professional expertise and closely follow all manufacturer’s instructions,requirements, and warnings. WU makes no warranty of any kind as to any of the products identified on this website, and WU is not responsible for any damages or losses whatsoever arising out of or resulting from the use of any of the identified products.
This website contains links to third-party websites. These links are provided solely as a convenience and not as an endorsement by WU of the contents of any of those third-party websites. WU is not responsible for the content of linked third-party sites and does not make any representations regarding the contents or accuracy of the material on those sites.