
  • Assistive Technology Class Provides Hands-on, Interactive Lab Experiences Assistive Technology Class Provides Hands-on, Interactive Lab Experiences Students in the “Supporting Participation with Technology and Environmental Interventions” class are learning just how broad the definition of “assistive technology” really is.
  • ASHT Hand Therapy Review Course – April 11-13 ASHT Hand Therapy Review Course – April 11-13 Washington University School of Medicine is hosting the 2014 American Society of Hand Therapists (ASHT) Comprehensive Survey of Hand Therapy Review Course April 11-13. 
  • Clinical/Community Track Experiences: Samantha Slutzky, MSOT/S ‘14 Clinical/Community Track Experiences: Samantha Slutzky, MSOT/S ‘14 Samantha Slutzky, MSOT/S ‘14, shares her clinical/community track experiences at The Bridge, a nonprofit day shelter for the homeless located in downtown St. Louis.
  • Clinical/Community Track Experiences: Tori Sabatini, MSOT/S ‘14 Clinical/Community Track Experiences: Tori Sabatini, MSOT/S ‘14 Tori Sabatini, MSOT/S ‘14, shares her clinical/community track experiences at Health Literacy Missouri, a local nonprofit organization that promotes understandability in the health care environment.
  • Clinical/Community Track Experiences: Rhysa Romstad, MSOT/S ‘14 Clinical/Community Track Experiences: Rhysa Romstad, MSOT/S ‘14 Rhysa Romstad, MSOT/S ‘14, shares her clinical/community track experiences at the National Children’s Cancer Society (NCCS) – Beyond the Cure, which provides services and programming to childhood cancer survivors and their families.
  • Student Spotlight: Claire Schueler, MSOT/S '14 Student Spotlight: Claire Schueler, MSOT/S '14 We sat down with Claire Schueler, MSOT/S '14, to ask her about her experience with the Program in Occupational Therapy. Claire shares her thoughts on the Program, why she chose WUOT, living in St. Louis, and more!
  • Experiencing Environmental Factors Experiencing Environmental Factors

    Jessica Dashner, OTD, OTR/L, who teaches the Environmental Factors Facilitating Performance and Participation class for the Program in Occupational Therapy, starts the Spring semester with a hands-on assignment designed to give first-year students an idea of what daily barriers a client with a disability may face.


  • Student Spotlight: Laura McCarty OTD/S '15 Student Spotlight: Laura McCarty OTD/S '15 We sat down with Laura McCarty, OTD/S '15, to ask her about her experience with the Program in Occupational Therapy. Laura shares her thoughts on the Program, her decision to pursue the OTD degree, the learning atmosphere, and more!
  • Alumni Spotlight: Anatomy of Love Who would have thought that the anatomy lab in the Program in Occupational Therapy would be a place for romance?
  • 3-2 Agreement Signing A special 3-2 agreement signing and luncheon was held on Monday, Nov. 4 in the board room of the J. C. Penney Conference Center on the campus of the University of Missouri-St. Louis. 
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We are excited that you are considering applying to the Program in Occupational Therapy at Washington University. Please join us for a Zoom Information Session for either our entry-level MSOT or OTD degrees or our online post-professional OTD. Current faculty members will discuss the degree program and answer any question you may have. We are offering these sessions on the following days and times. The content is the same for each one, so you only need to sign up for one.

Upcoming ENTRY-LEVEL Degree ZOOM Info sessions:

Schedule an Entry-Level Info Session

Upcoming PP-OTD Degree ZOOM Info session:

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