3-2 or 3-3 Program
3-2 or 3-3 program and partner schools information for undergraduate and high school students
The 3-2 program at Washington University allows students to finish their bachelor’s and master’s degrees (MSOT) within five and a half years. 3-2 students who wish to pursue the clinical doctorate (OTD) degree are eligible for the 3-2 program, which essentially becomes a 3-3 program lasting six years total. During the first three years as an undergraduate, the student takes the requirements for his or her major and prerequisites for the Program in Occupational Therapy. Accepted applicants are full-time occupational therapy students during their senior year, reducing the time in school by one full year. Upon successful completion of the first year of graduate courses in occupational therapy, you are awarded a bachelor’s degree and then continue on to complete a master’s degree during the following year or a clinical doctorate degree the year after that.
Washington University undergraduate students: Visit this page to find out more about the 3-2 program as it applies to you.
Students interested in the 3-2 option should first speak with the 3-2 advisor at their undergraduate institution. A list of participating schools is here.
WashU undergrads click here View list of 3-2 Partner Schools View FAQ on 3-2 Program