Early intervention, 0-3 years
Early identification of developmental delay
Dr. Hoyt’s research focuses on identifying methods to screen children with sickle cell disease for developmental delays and developing a referral program to early intervention. With improved methods for early identification, more children can be referred to, and take advantage of, beneficial therapeutic interventions during critical years of neural development.
Case-Based Learning, guest lecturer (current); previous: Spanish for Healthcare Workers. In addition, Dr. Hoyt is a research mentor for graduate students in occupational therapy.
2019-2021: postdoctoral fellow, Washington University School of Medicine
2019: PhD in Rehabilitation and Participation Science, Washington University in St. Louis
2010: Doctorate of Occupational Therapy (OTD) Washington University School of Medicine, Program in Occupational Therapy
2007: BS in natural and social science with a secondary emphasis in Spanish, Juniata College
Dr. Hoyt is an early intervention (0-3 years) occupational therapist and Instructor at Washington University School of Medicine. A native of Silver Spring, Md., she earned her doctorate in occupational therapy in 2010 and PhD in rehabilitation and participation science in 2017 from Washington University in St. Louis. She completed a postdoctoral externship at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands, and a postdoctoral fellowship at Washington University School of Medicine. Dr. Hoyt is a co-founder of the Coalition of Occupational Therapy Advocates for Diversity (COTAD) and served as its chair from its inception in 2014 through 2020. As a clinician, Dr. Hoyt recognized the gaps in assessment, particularly for early identification of disability among children with sickle cell disease, and the real and devastating impact delayed identification of disability can have on long-term outcomes for children, leading to the development of the Infant Toddler Activity Card Sort (ITACS). She was a scholar in the Mentored Training in Implementation Science in Implementation Science K12 Training Program and currently serves as site Co-PI for the I-ACQUIRE trial of constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT) for children 8-36 months of age. Current funding and research is focused on early identification of developmental delay among infants and toddlers with sickle cell disease and developing community partnerships to support the co-development of interventions to support children with sickle cell disease.
Ghahramani, S., Larson, S.C., L’Hotta, A.J. et al. Education strategies are the most commonly used in pediatric rehabilitation implementation research: a scoping review. Implement Sci Commun 6, 5 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1186/s43058-024-00690-w
Pabst, L, Hoyt, C.R., Felling, R., Smith, A., Harpster, K., Pardo, A., Bridge, J., Jiang, B., Gehred, A., Lo, W. (2024). Neuroimaging and neurological outcomes in perinatal ischemic stroke: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Pediatric Neurology. doi.org/10.1016/j.pediatrneurol.2024.04.029
Heitzer, A.M., MacArthur, E., Tamboli, M., Wilson, A., Hankins, J., Hoyt, C.R. (2024). Awareness, Access, and Communication: Provider Perspectives on Early Intervention Services for Children with Sickle Cell Disease. Frontiers in Pediatrics. Vol. 12 https://doi.org/10.3389/fped.2024.1366522
Taff, S.D., Clifton, M., Smith, C.R., Lipsey, K., Hoyt, C.R. (2024). Exploring professional theories, models, and frameworks for justice-oriented constructs: A scoping review. Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy. https://doi.org/10.1590/2526-8910.ctoAR27953638
Johnson, K.R., Washington, S.E., Hoyt, C.R., Banks, T.M., Román-Oyala, R., Hamed, R. (2024). Establishing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Priorities for Occupational Therapy Research. Am J Occup Ther January/February 2024, Vol. 78(1), 7801349010. doi: https://doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2024.050601
Lang, C.E., Hoyt, C.R., Konrad, J.D., Bell, K.R., Marrus, N., Bland, M.D., Lohse, K.R., Miller, A.E. (2024). Referent data for investigations of upper limb accelerometry: harmonized data from three cohorts of typically developing children. Frontiers in Pediatrics. Vol. 12. https://doi.org/10.3389/fped.2024.1361757
Hoyt, C.R., Heitzer, A., Hardy, S. (2023). Commentary on the ASH 2020 Guidelines on Cognitive Screening and Intervention in Sickle Cell Disease. Blood Advances, 7(14). 3680-3682. https://doi.org/10.1182/bloodadvances.2023009851
Hoyt, C.R., Clifton, M., Smith, C.R. & Taff, S.D. (2023). Transforming Occupational Therapy for the 21st century PAIRE: Recognize privilege, acknowledge injustice, and reframe perspective to reach occupational equity. Occupational Therapy in Healthcare. https://doi.org/10.1080/07380577.2023.2265479
Coxon, M.L., Hoyt, C.R., Smith, A. & Hadders-Algra, M. (2023). Going Beyond Conventional Assessment of Developmental Motor Disorders: Exploring Video Methods for Early Identification among Children 0-3 Years. Advances in Rehabilitation Science and Practice. https://doi.org/10.1177/27536351231207740
Muñoz, J., Hoyt, C.R., Hamed, R., Anvarizadeh, A., Taff, S. (2023). Generative disruptive questions: Operationalizing diversity, equity, inclusion, justice and accessibility in occupational therapy education. Journal of Occupational Therapy Education. 7(4), https://encompass.eku.edu/jote/vol7/iss4/13
Proffitt, R., Kraus, B., Jozkowski, A. C., Shea Lemoins, S., Kersey, J., Brick, R., Schwartz, J. K., & Hoyt, C. R. (2023). MeTooOT: Sexual Harassment Experiences of Occupational Therapy Academics and Recommendations for Systemic Change. OTJR : occupation, participation and health, 15394492231153120. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/15394492231153120
Hoyt, C.R., Hurwitz, S., Luo, L., Varughese, T. & King, A.A. (2022). Behavioral Interventions to Support Children with Sickle Cell Disease: A Systematic Review. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. https://doi.org/10.1002/pbc.30178
Myers, P.S. & Hoyt, C.R. (2022). Postdocs are doing it for themselves: peer mentorship and why it matters. Journal of Life Sciences. 4(1).
Hoyt, C. R., Pearson, A. C., Skowronski, J., Lancaster, S., Smith, C. R., & Daniel, A. G. (2021). Don't Ignore the Tipping Point: A Framework to Fuel Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Efforts in Health-care Sciences. Education in the Health Professions, 4(2), 33-36.
Hoyt, C.R., Varughese, T.E., Erickson, J., Haffner, N., Luo, L., L’Hotta, A.J., Yeager, L. & King, A.A. (2021), Developmental delay in infants and toddlers with sickle cell disease: a systematic review. Dev Med Child Neurol. https://doi.org/10.1111/dmcn.15048
Hoyt, C. R., Sherman, S. K., Brown, S. K., Newbold, D. J., Miller, R. L., Van, A. N., Shimony, J. S., Ortega, M., Nguyen, A. L., Schlaggar, B. L., & Dosenbach, N. U. (2021). Toward a More Comprehensive Assessment of School Age Children with Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy. Rehabilitation process and outcome, 10, 11795727211010500. https://doi.org/10.1177/11795727211010500.
Laumann, T.O. Ortega, M., Hoyt, C.R., Siegel, J., Seider, N., Hampton, J.M., Dierker, D.L., Coalson, R.S., Adeyemo, B., Gilmore, A.W., Nelson, S.M., Shimony, J.S., Greene, D.J., Gordon, E.M., Petersen, S.E., Schlaggar, B.L., Snyder, A.Z., & Dosenbach, N.U.F. (2021). Brain network reorganization supports typical development following extensive bilateral perinatal strokes. The Lancet Neurology, 20(4). doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(21)00062-4.
Wilson, S., Hunter-Bennett, C., Smith, C.R. & Hoyt, C.R. (2020). Occupational Therapy’s Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. American Journal of Occupational Therapy: Official Document. (74). doi: 10.5014/ajot.2020.74S3002
Hoyt, C. R., L’Hotta, A. J., Bauer, A., Chang, C.H., Varughese, T.E., Abel, R., & King, A. A. (2021). Activity engagement among Infants and Toddlers with Developmental Disabilities: Rasch analysis of the Infant Toddler Activity Card Sort (ITACS). Journal of Patient Reported Outcomes, 5(14). doi: 10.1186/s41687-021-00287-0
Full list of peer reviewed publications available at: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3398-9439
Hoyt, C.R. Sickle Cell Disease. In Conditions in Occupational Therapy. Wolters Kluwer, Hagerstown, MD. In press.
Kringle, E.A., Hoyt, C.R., Caldwell, A., Swartz, J. Obtaining Funding for Your Research: Writing Your First Grant Proposal. In Kielhofner’s Research in Occupational Therapy. F.A. Davis Company, Philadelphia, PA. In preparation.
Connor, L.T., Taff, S. D., Millsap, M., Hoyt, C.R., Housten, A.J., Harris, K.M., & Pearson, A.C. (2021). Fostering dialogue on diversity, equity and inclusion through open space technology meetings. OT Practice, May 2021.
Kringle, E.A. & Hoyt, C.R. (2020). Establishing peer mentorship relationships for successful transition to research careers. OT Practice, May 2020, 26-27.
Hoyt Drazen, C., Housten, A. & Van Voorhis, A. (2016). Career development: Securing a seat at the table. OT Practice, 21(4), 19-20.
Wilson, S., Anvarizadeh, A., Hoyt-Drazen, C., Holland, D., Kwebetchou, N., Reyes-Smith, C., & Skowronkski, J. (2015). Diversity in the workforce: Perspectives from emerging leaders. OT Practice, 20(21), 19-21.
Reyes-Smith, C., Hoyt Drazen, C. & Toth-Cohen, S. (2014). No hablo íngles: Working with non-English speaking clients. OT Practice, 19(22), 8-12.
Taff, S. & Hoyt, C. (2012). Going global in Guatemala: Supporting emerging occupational therapy practice in developing nations. OT Practice, 17 (21), 14-19.
Hoyt, C. (2011). Branching out: Occupational therapy for children with sickle cell disease. OT Practice, 16(14), 24-25.
2024: Roster of Fellows Award, American Occupational Therapy Association
2022: Recognition of Achievement Award, American Occupational Therapy Association
2019: Leadership credential, Washington University in St. Louis
2018: Student Travel Scholarship Award, American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine (AACPDM)
2017, 2019: Poster selected for oral presentation, top 8, American Occupational Therapy Association
2017: Service commendation, Washington University in St. Louis, Graduate School
2017-2018: Chancellor Search Committee, Graduate Student Representative
2017-2018: Board of Trustees, Graduate Student Representative
2016, 2017,2019: Service commendation, American Occupational Therapy Association
2015: Invited participant: 2025 Visioning Meeting, American Occupational Therapy Association
2015: Contributing author, Distinct Value Committee: Children & Youth, American Occupational Therapy Association
2012: Emerging Leaders Development Program, American Occupational Therapy Association
2008-Present: Member of Pi Theta Epsilon, honor society for occupational therapy students and alumni
Hoyt, Catherine, PhD, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA
Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy, Neurology and Pediatrics
Phone: 314-286-1761
Fax: 314-286-0631
[email protected]
Growth and Occupational Well-being of Youth Laboratory
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