Dr. Dashner's areas of interest are improving participation in major life activities by providing supports and environmental modifications, working with disability organizations to build partnerships and improving the usability of buildings to allow individuals with disabilities to become engaged and active members of their communities. She is also working with clients in the WUSM Interprofessional (WUSM IP) Pro Bono Student Clinic to provide outpatient OT serves to adults who are uninsured and underinsured.
Dr. Dashner's research interests include developing and determining the effectiveness of interventions designed to enable and participation of individuals with mobility and sensory impairments in the community. She is also researching the impact of the WUSM IP Pro Bono Student Clinic on the clients receiving services and student learners.
Dr. Dashner is a Co-Course Director for OT642: Evaluation and Intervention: Adults and Older Adults I (Fall 2024) and M01 6440 OT in Physical Rehabilitation and Assistive Technology and is the Course Director for OT627: Enabiling Community Living. In addition, she engages with OTD students in their Mentored Scholarship course sequence.
2002: Doctorate of Occupational Therapy (OTD), Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Program in Occupational Therapy
1999: BS in psychology/occupational therapy, McKendree University
Dr. Dashner worked for 14 years as a research associate/project manager in the Disability and Community Participation Research Laboratory with David B. Gray, PhD, at Washington University in St. Louis. She managed several research projects, including the Research and Training Center on Community Living and a project through the National Science Foundation to help individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI) explore opportunities in STEM careers. Dr. Dashner worked with Dr. Gray on developing and administering surveys of participation to individuals with mobility and sensory impairments including the Participation Survey for People with Mobility Limitations, Facilitators and Barriers Survey for People with Mobility Limitations, Survey of Participation and Receptivity in the Community for People with Mobility Limitations, and Community Health Environment Checklist–Mobility. Additionally, she was co-principal investigator on a project titled, "Parenting with a Physical Disability: Assessing the Need for Early OT Intervention and Group Support" through the St. Louis Community-University Health Research Partnerships and was the principal investigator on a Paralyzed Veterans of America Education Fund grant to develop a self-management for parents with spinal cord injury/disease. She also recently worked as an occupational therapist on a grant from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research titled "Building Capacity to Improve Community Participation for People Aging with Long-Term Disability Through Evidence-Based Strategies."
Dr. Dashner transitioned into a faculty role in 2014 and became more involved in teaching courses within the Program in Occupational Therapy. She has taught content related to assistive technology, environmental modification and health promotion, participation and wellness for persons with chronic disease, and translational science in action. Dr Dashner co-facilitates a workshop titled, “Building Inclusive Environments for Learners with Disabilities” through the Washington University School of Medicine (WUSM) Academy of Educators. Since 2020, Dr. Dashner has been working as the OT faculty lead in the WUSM Interprofessional (IP) Student Pro Bono Clinic providing services to adults who are uninsured and underinsured in the St. Louis area. The WUSM IP Pro Bonon Clinic is a collaboration of students and faculty from medicine, physical therapy and occupational therapy. She is also the chair of the Committee on the Academic and Professional Evaluation of Students (CAPES) and is a member of a newly formed Accessibility Committee.
Dashner, J., Espín-Tello, S. M., Chen, S. W., Hollingsworth, H., Bollinger, R., Morgan, K. A., & Stark, S. (2023). Influence of Falls, Fall-Related Injuries, and Fear of Falling on Social Participation in People Aging with Long-Term Physical Disability: A Cross-Sectional Study. Disability and Rehabilitation, 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1080/09638288.2023.2293990
Dashner, J. L., & Berg, C. (2021). Collaborative Learning and Critical Thinking: Use of the Jigsaw Learning Activity in Occupational Therapy Teaching. Journal of Occupational Therapy Education, 5 (3). https://doi.org/10.26681/jote.2021.050316
Walker, C.W., Holowatuk, M. & Dashner, J. (2020). Pilot Study of a Self-Management Program for Parents With Spinal Cord Injury or Disease. Am J Occup Ther 2020;75(1):7501205070. https://doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2020.036574
Gray, D. B., Dashner, J. L., Morgan, K. A., Lyles, M., Scheller, M. D., Morris, C. L., & Hollingsworth, H. H. (2009). Influence of a Consumer-Directed Personal Assistance Services Program on the lives of persons with mobility impairments. Disability and Health Journal, 2(4), 188-195. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dhjo.2009.05.002
2012: Honorary Member Pi Theta Epsilon Honor Society for Occupational Therapy
2003: Marshall of Doctoral Class, Washington University Commencement Ceremony
1997: Pi Gamma Mu Psychology Honor Society, McKendree University
1995: Presidential Scholar, McKendree University
Dashner, Jessica, OTD, OTR/L
Associate Professor of Occupational Therapy and Neurology
Phone: (314) 286-1648
Fax: (314) 286-0631
[email protected]
Disability and Community Participation Research
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