Kniepmann, Kathy, OTD, MPH, EdM, CHES, OTR/L

Clinical Interests

Family caregiving, health education, prevention and health promotion for people with chronic conditions -particularly from stroke, and for their families

Research Interests

Social participation and occupational performance for families who have adult relatives with stroke, or related conditions, self-management and wellness, information-seeking behaviors of family caregivers, culture, spirituality and religion

Teaching Roles

Dr. Kniepmann is a guest presenter on social support, culture, spirituality, health education and public health topics. She mentors students who work in her lab. She also teaches two undergraduate courses every semester through the American Culture Studies department: Disability, Quality of Life & Community Responsibility, a public health elective, and Images of Disability in Film & Literature.


Doctorate of Occupational Therapy (OTD), Washington University School of Medicine, Program in Occupational Therapy
Master of Public Health (MPH), Harvard School of Public Health
Master of Education (EdM), Harvard Graduate School of Education
BA in English literature and BS in occupational therapy dual degree, Washington University in St. Louis


Dr. Kniepmann has extensive clinical, community and teaching experience in occupational therapy. After completing her bachelor’s degrees, Dr. Kniepmann worked in rehabilitation and part-time in home health. Growing concerns about health promotion, prevention and community outreach fueled her graduate studies in education and public health. Subsequent experience included college health education and development of community health promotion programs. She helped plan and implement Gateway to Wellness, a course for people with Multiple Sclerosis, and a Leader Training Program for that course. Dr. Kniepmann served as a content expert consultant for the development of Optimal Wellness, an online program for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. In addition to her occupational therapy credentials, she is a Certified Health Education Specialist. She has been a faculty associate for undergraduates in the Residential Colleges at Washington University in St. Louis.

Selected Publications

Taff, S., Kniepmann, K., Russell, D., Grajo, L., & Berg, C. (2023). Impact of basic needs in health, well-being and academic engagement of Occupational Therapy students. Occupational Therapy in Health Care.

Mthembu, T.G., & Kniepmann, K. (2022). Exploring the clergy’s role in supporting family caregivers of relatives living with stroke. South African Journal of Occupational Therapy. 52(2), 26-35.

Taff, S. D., Grajo, L. C., Kniepmann, K., Carson, N, Jackson, D., Defroge, M., Chakrabortym S, Gray, J.M., & Amin-Arsala, T. for The Commission on Education. (2020). Educator’s guide for addressing cultural awareness, humility and dexterity in occupational therapy curricula. American Journal of Occupational Therapy. 74( (Supplement_3), 7413420003p1–7413420003p19.

Clymer, D., Fields, H., & Kniepmann, K. (2020). Assessing unmet needs of caregivers after stroke: Occupational Therapist practices and perspectives. The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy, 8(2), 1-13.

Kniepmann, K. & Kerr, S. (2018). Sexuality and intimacy following stroke: Partner perspectives. Sexuality and Disability. 36(3): 219-230. Link to free full-text:

Kniepmann K., & Cupler M.H. (2014). Occupational changes in caregivers for spouses with stroke and aphasia. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 77(1): 10-18.

Kniepmann K. (2014). Family caregiving for husbands with stroke: an occupational perspective on leisure in the stress process. OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health, 34(3): 131-140.

Kniepmann, K. (2012). Female family carers for survivors of stroke: Occupational loss and quality of life. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 75(5): 208-216.

Hotz, M, Kniepmann, K, & Kohn, L (1998). Occupational therapy in pediatric lead exposure prevention. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 1998.

Branch, L.G., Katz, S., Kniepmann, K., & Papsidero, J.A. (1984). A prospective study of functional status among community elders. American Journal of Public Health 74: 266–268.

Book Chapters and Other

Schneider, D., Nowack, D., Roberts, C., Sames, C., Kniepmann, K., Fisher, S. (2009). Achieving Optimal Wellness. Online course for National Multiple Sclerosis Society.

Kniepmann, K. (2006). Teaching for social change. In L Ben Moshe (Ed.), Creating Pedagogical Curb Cuts: Incorporating Disability in the University Classroom and Curriculum. Syracuse University.

Neufeld, P., & Kniepmann, K. (2005). Master Training Manual for Gateway to Wellness Program. National Multiple Sclerosis Society. 

Neufeld P & Kniepmann K (2003). Developing wellness and self-management programs for persons with chronic disabling conditions. OT Practice.

Klocke A & Kniepmann K (2002). Injury Free St. Louis Home Safety.  Robert Wood Johnson manual on child safety.

Kniepmann K & Stewart D (2001). Occupation-based practice  Putting it all together (part II). Chapter 10 in Occupation based practice: Fostering performance & participation. Baum C & Law M, eds.  Thorofare, NJ: Slack Incorporated.

Kniepmann K. (2000).  Stress Management instruction chapter  Leaders’ Training Manual.  National Multiple Sclerosis Society.

Neufeld P & Kniepmann K.  (2000). Master Training Manual for Gateway to Wellness Program. National Multiple Sclerosis Society. 

Kniepmann K. (1998). Stress Management – Finding Ways to Relax. Gateway to Wellness Participant’s Workbook

Kniepmann, K. (1997). Prevention of disability and maintenance of health. In Christiansen CH & Baum CM (Eds.), Occupational Therapy: Enabling Function & Well-being. 2nd ed. Thorofare, NJ: SLACK Incorporated. 

Kniepmann, K: (1996) Beyond Hola and Si  for Adelante, newsletter for national network of Hispanic and Latino occupational therapists.

Kniepmann K (1988).  Alcohol, drugs and athletes at Harvard (1988).  Wrote videotape treatment plan and scripts, gave presentation, coached other presenters, managed editing process.

Awards and Honors

2022: Director's Choice Award, Washington University Program in Occupational Therapy
2015: Graduation speaker for Washington University Program in Occupational Therapy
2012: Outstanding Faculty Award “Women’s Panhellenic Association”
2011: Outstanding Faculty Award “Women in the Greek Community”
2007: Educational Excellence Award from graduating class of occupational therapy students at Washington University
2003: Innovative Educator Award from Washington University undergraduates
1995: Honorary member of Pi Theta Epsilon, national OT honor society
1981: John Eliot Thayer Scholar Award, Harvard School of Public Health
1981: Class Marshall, Harvard School of Public Health

Kniepmann, Kathy

Kniepmann, Kathy, OTD, MPH, EdM, CHES, OTR/L

Associate Professor of Occupational Therapy and Neurology

Curriculum Vitae

Contact Information

Phone: (314) 286-1610
Fax: (314) 286-0631
[email protected]


Family Caregiving



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