Community Health Environment Checklist–Mobility (CHEC-M)

The Community Health Environment Checklist–Mobility (CHEC-M) is an objective measure designed to assess the overall usability of specific public sites in communities. The core question that the CHEC-M asks is whether a person with a mobility limitation can get into the site, do what he or she needs to do, and get out without much difficulty. The CHEC-M allows for the assessment of three main areas of the site: entrance (including parking, ramps, and entrance doors), using the building (including interior doors, hallways/spaces, seating arrangements, and elevators), and restrooms for usability by people with mobility limitations. People interested in using the CHEC-M to assess sites in their communities will be directed to an online training module that will provide them with the details on how to conduct an assessment.

A copy of the CHEC-M is included below, but individuals interested in administering the CHEC-M should contact Dr. Jessica Dashner for more information on training.

Click here to download the CHEC-M file to your desktop.

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