OT Grand Rounds

by Michele Berhorst  •  March 29, 2019

Kerri Morgan, PhD, OTR/L, ATP, will be our OT Grand Rounds speaker on Wednesday, April 17. Her talk is titled "Community-based Exercise Intervention for Persons with a Mobility Disability."

Persons with a mobility disability (PwMD) are at a greater risk for major health conditions and poorer health outcomes than persons without a disability. For PwMD, habitual exercise is critical for both physiological and psychological well-being. Prior research indicates that exercise programs conducted in a controlled setting have positive effects on the physical and psychosocial fitness of PwMD, but the efficacy and feasibility of these programs are not well understood in community-based settings. Dr. Morgan will share some of the research her laboratory has conducted to lay the groundwork for the development and implementation of effective community-based exercise interventions for PwMD.

OT Grand Rounds was launched in honor of the Program in Occupational Therapy’s 100th anniversary in 2018. Each presentation will have a research, educational or clinical focus on how occupational therapy impacts health care.

This presentation is eligible for one (1) contact hour. Reception to follow in lobby.

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