Executive Function Performance Test (EFPT)
The EFPT is a public domain instrument that you may use without a fee. All we ask is that if you download this information, you send an email to Dr. M. Carolyn Baum at [email protected] to indicate that you have downloaded it. Attached are the training manual, labels and check template you will need to personalize the assessment to your individual clients.
Baum CM, Connor LT, Morrison T, Hahn M, Dromerick AW, Edwards DF: Reliability, validity, and clinical utility of the Executive Function Performance Test: a measure of executive function in a sample of people with stroke. Am J Occup Ther; 2008 Jul-Aug;62(4):446-55.
Baum, CM, Wolf, TJ, Wong, AWK, Chen, CH, Walker, K, Young, AC, Carlozzi, NE, Tulsky, DS, Heaton, RK & Heinemann, AW (2016): Validation and clinical utility of the executive function performance test in persons with traumatic brain injury, Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, DOI: 10.1080/09602011.2016.1176934